Wikia o Starej Telewizji

Program 1
13.30 Fizyka. sem. II: utrwalenie wiadomości
14.00 Biologia, sem. I: ssaki - przegląd i znaczenie
15.00 Muzyka, kl. II: co słyszymy w muzyce?
15.35 NURT: edukacja kulturalna
16.20 Program dnia i Telegazeta
16.25 LUZ - program nastolatków
17.15 Teleexpress
17.30 Gorące linie
17.55 Wędrówki dalekie i bliskie: "Czarna karawela" - odc. 1 dok. filmu prod. Makao o podróżnikach portugalskich w XV-XVIII w.
18.35 10 minut
18.50 Dobranoc: "Kłopoty żabki"
19.00 Teatr Telewizji - August Strinberg: "Pelikan" (z Gdańska)
20.15 Wiadomości
20.45 Studio Italia 90 - Mistrzostwa Świata w piłce nożnej - mecz ANGLIA - IRLANDIA (bezpośrednia transmisja)
22.50 Wiadomości wieczorne
23.05 Studio Italia 90: skrót meczu Kostaryka - Szkocja
23.40 Jutro w programie

Program 2
17.10 Program dnia
17.15 Czarno na białym - przegląd polskich kronik filmowych
17.45 Ojczyzna - polszczyzna: kocha mnie, kocha mię
18.00 Kronika
18.30 Legendy filmu: Paul Newman (USA)
19.30 Roman Lasocki przedstawia: Beata Warykiewicz (skrzypaczka)
20.00 Studio tajemnicy
21.30 Panorama dnia
21.45 "Gniazdo os" - film fab. (obyczajowy) prod. rumuńskiej
23.40 Komentarz dnia

6.00 Pages from Ceefax
6.30 BBC Breakfast News
8.55 Regional News and Weather
9.00 News; Weather followed by The Travel Show Guides
9.35 Discovering Birds
10.00 News; Weather followed by The Pink Panther Show
10.25 Children's BBC
10.50 Cricket: First Test. England v New Zealand
10.55 News and Weather
12.00 News and Weather
12.55 Regional News and Weather
13.00 One O'Clock News; Weather
13.30 Neighbours
13.50 Cricket: First Test. England v New Zealand
14.15 The Six Million Dollar Man
15.05 Bazaar
15.30 Cartoons
15.50 Chuckle Vision
16.05 Laurel and Hardy
16.10 The New Lassie
16.35 Droids
16.55 Newsround
17.05 Blue Peter
17.35 Neighbours
18.00 Six O'Clock News; Weather
18.30 Regional news magazines
19.00 Wogan
19.40 Bread
20.10 All Creatures Great and Small
21.00 Nine O'Clock News; Regional News; Weather
21.30 Panorama: Selling Our Schools
22.10 Miami Vice
23.00 World Cup Report
0.00 Cricket: First Test. England v New Zealand
0.30 Weather
0.35 Closedown

7.10 Open University
8.00 News
8.15 Westminster
8.30 Daytime on Two Sports Science
8.50 Job Bank
9.10 Watch
9.25 Quinze Minutes
9.40 Lifeschool
10.05 You and Me
10.18 Music Time
10.40 Quinze Minutes
11.00 Zig Zag
11.20 Timmy and Vicki
11.40 Mindstretchers
11.45 Daytime on Two: Micro Mindstretchers
11.50 Save a Life
12.00 Thinkabout
12.15 History File
12.35 Mathsworks
12.50 Spelling It Out
13.00 Over to You
13.20 Green Claws
13.40 Landmarks
14.00 News; Weather followed by Words and Pictures
14.15 Cricket: First Test. England v New Zealand
15.00 News and Weather
15.50 News and Weather; Regional News and Weather
18.30 DEFII
19.10 East
19.40 Fruity Passions
20.10 Horizon
21.00 The Curse of Corman
22.20 Animation from Prague
22.30 Newsnight
23.15 The Late Show
23.55 Weatherview
0.00 Open University
0.30 Closedown

Channel 4
6.00 The Channel 4 Daily
9.26 Schools
12.00 The Parliament Programme
12.30 Business Daily
13.00 Sesame Street
14.00 The Carers
14.30 Film: Head Over Heels
16.05 Picture to Past
16.30 Fifteen to One
17.00 TV 101
18.00 Listening Eye
18.30 Happy Days
19.00 News
19.50 Comment
20.00 Brookside
20.30 Don't Quote Me
21.00 Cutting Edge
22.00 Vintage Comic Strip: The Yob
23.05 Route One/USA
1.25 Film: Spitting Glass
